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Compression / expansion turbine in epitrochoid helix housing.

a rotor in an epitrochoid house Click here for the animation of a rotor in an epitrochoid house.

image of a mechanism to drive the rotor in an epitrochoid housing
This mechanism can drive the rotor around in the epitrochoid housing without touching the outside wall. The diameter of the gear wheel on the housing is twice the crank radius. The diameter of the inner gear on the rotor is four times the crank radius.

image of a mechanism to drive the rotor in an epitrochoid housing
In this mechanism the diameter of the gear wheel on the rotor is 4/3 times the crank radius. The diameter of the stationary gear wheel on housing is 2/3 times the crank radius.

  rotor housing wall.
  rotor housing side of ball bearings
  gear on the rotor housing front plate
  gear wheel on crankshaft
  crankshaft side of ball bearings
  rotor wall
  gear, fixed on the rotor
  rotor side of ball bearings
  balls in the ball bearings
image of a rotor in an epitrochoid helix housing
Rotor in an epitrochoid helix housing. This type of rotor has to rotate around the crank in the same direction as the crankshaft with half the speed.

image of a rotor in an epitrochoid helix housing
After 90 degree rotation of the crankshaft (45 degree rotation of the rotor).

image of a rotor in an epitrochoid helix housing
After 180 degree rotation of the crankshaft (90 degree rotation of the rotor).

image of a rotor in an epitrochoid helix housing
After 270 degree rotation of the crankshaft (135 degree rotation of the rotor).

a rotor in an epitrochoid house Click here for the animation of a rotor in an epitrochoid housing.

image of a cone shaped rotor in an epitrochoid helix housing
Cone shaped helix rotor in epitrochoid housing.

screenshot of rotor in stl-format for 3D printing in netfabb Basic 5.1
Screenshot of the rotor in stl format in netfabb Basic 5.1. A file in this format can be converted in a file that can be used in a 3D printer.
The shape is defined in the x,y,z coordinates of the corners of 2594400 triangles. I am still working on the program to make the stl-file.
In the near future the program will be able to make the stl-files for the rotor and the housing, as defined in the inputs of an input screen.
For the epitrochoid helix compression/expansion turbine concept Click here
For the epitrochoid turbine engine concept Click here

Author: Harrie van der Haghen
For questions or remarks, email to: